SMCS RISK commenced the first of its 4 Skills Maintenance Training courses at Chip Mong Insee yesterday.
As part of a 4 week training program to be conducted in 2019, SMCS Risk provided fire response & rescue training to the 40 Chip Mong Insee employees trained in fire rescue and breathing apparatus training in 2018.
The extensive training is designed to further develop the skills learnt by employees tasked with fire response & rescue duties at Chip Mong Insee’s cement plant in Kampot, Cambodia, whilst ensuring they maintain the knowledge and skills they have previously learnt.
The skills maintenance training course provides theoretical revision on fire response & rescue and breathing apparatus equipment, with extensive focus on conducting practical exercises in fire response, fire ladder use and breathing apparatus use.
“Fire fighting and using breathing apparatus are perishable skills that must be continuously renewed through practice and training.” said Dave Miller, SMCS Risk’s #FireSafe4Life Director and Specialist Training Instructor.
“Without constant skills maintenance, the ability for employees to respond effectively to a fire or emergency incident is greatly reduced. More importantly, it increases the risk of injury or even death to employees if they have to respond to a serious incident without having the confidence and knowledge to perform their duties correctly.” Dave Miller said.
SMCS RISK is proud to be partnering with Chip Mong Insee to provide specialist training programs to their employees in 2019.
For more information about SMCS Risk’s training programs please view our website or contact us.