First Aid – Course 2 Australia Embassy – Cambodia

First Aid – Course 2 Australia Embassy – Cambodia

Congratulations to the team at the Australia Embassy on completing...
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Defensive Driver Training – Tetra Tech Cambodia

Defensive Driver Training – Tetra Tech Cambodia

We all know that regularly undertaking defensive driver training greatly...
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Australian Embassy Cambodia Staff – First Aid Training

Australian Embassy Cambodia Staff – First Aid Training

SMCS Risk would like to congratulate staff at the Australian...
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Hazardous Substance & Dangerous Goods Training – Cambodia Post

Hazardous Substance & Dangerous Goods Training – Cambodia Post

Cambodia Post staff have participated in SMCS Risk's, Hazardous Substance...
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Increasing Motorbike Rider Safety

Increasing Motorbike Rider Safety

This week, 18 staff from Conservation International Cambodia participated in...
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Plan International – Driver Training

Plan International – Driver Training

On the 23rd of April, 2024, the team from Conservation...
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How To Prevent Illness From Working in the Heat
Risk Talk

How To Prevent Illness From Working in the Heat

In countries like Cambodia, where extreme heat and humidity are...
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Training Cambodia Post Staff to Act As Fire Evacuations Wardens

Training Cambodia Post Staff to Act As Fire Evacuations Wardens

As Cambodia Post works towards improving the safety standards of...
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Cambodia Post Improving First Aid Knowledge

Cambodia Post Improving First Aid Knowledge

As part of Cambodia Post's plan to improve employee first...
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DFI Lucky Cambodia Staff Undertake First Aid Training

DFI Lucky Cambodia Staff Undertake First Aid Training

SMCS Risk would like to congratulate all 43 staff at...
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Pedestrians and Forklifts Don’t Mix
Risk Talk

Pedestrians and Forklifts Don’t Mix

Globally, forklifts cause more workplace deaths and injuries than any...
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Basic First Aid Training For Cambodia Living Arts

Basic First Aid Training For Cambodia Living Arts

The team at Cambodian Living Arts has enhanced their ability...
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Toa Coating Cambodia Receives Basic First Aid training

Toa Coating Cambodia Receives Basic First Aid training

SMCS Risk provided 16 staff from Toa Coating Cambodia with...
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The Asia Foundation Learns Initial Fire Response

The Asia Foundation Learns Initial Fire Response

Staff at The Asia Foundation's Cambodia office participated in SMCS...
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Plan International Cambodia Learns How To Saves Lives

Plan International Cambodia Learns How To Saves Lives

SMCS RISK's First Aid Trainers provided First Aid, CPR and...
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SMCS Provides Motorbike Training For JTI
Company News DriveSafe4Life

SMCS Provides Motorbike Training For JTI

SMCS Risk has provided motorbike safety training to employees at...
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Sea Survival For Ministry of Mines & Energy
Company News WorkSafe4Life

Sea Survival For Ministry of Mines & Energy

Last week SMCS Risk provided Sea Survival Training to 10...
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Hanuman Beverages and Safer Forklift Operations
Company News

Hanuman Beverages and Safer Forklift Operations

SMCS Risk has provided another one of its Forklift Operator...
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